Apr 14, 2011

Working Only with the Best

Last Tuesday, we went to Boni High Street to show our support for Alexis Bernardo because she's part of a shoot for DynaMedia Productions. She's the sister of a close friend and if you remember, she modeled for Manila Kid. 

Personally, I think there's potential in her because of the height and her interesting cheek bones. She's just 15 years old but she already landed a contract with Philippine Models Weekend. She's a bit stiff at first but with good direction and if the photographer can get the angles right, she'll go a long way.

If I were to be bold enough to give an advice: "Be indispensable." That works even for photographers and other creative minds. You can't be 100% indispensable but getting close to that means you have an edge against the ones out there. Give them a reason to hire you.

Here in Manila Kid, we don't just work with pretty or handsome faces. We only get the best to work with because the blogging world is watching and if the quality of our work is not at par with people's expectations, it might ruin us. Haha! We always strive that the quality is at its finest.

Right now we are trying to get one of the top five hottest upcoming models (according to Philippine Star) but she's busy with fittings and all since Philippine Fashion Week is just around the corner. As soon as May 15 is over, we'll shoot her for a Manila Kid promo!:) Stay tuned!

(the gowns were designed by Michelle Lim for Okasyon)

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