Apr 7, 2012


This trip isn't turning out to be as fun as I expected. The very humid weather is to be blamed. So as the hotel where we are staying at, hello internet Siberia.

We joined the procession earlier at the request of my mom since it was good Friday. I tell you, most of the people there don't even know what was going on. Instead of praying, they just chattered away wondering what's for dinner later. As for us, we were there to take pictures and be beside our mom. Sorry, I wont pretend that I felt the people's reverence.

I've been living on coffee and soy milk. I need it so I can focus on editing our online magazine for its release this Sunday! All the manuscript have been edited and the pictures are all in place. Tomorrow, I just need to write the introductions and fix the placement of the ads. Hope everything will all be wort it.

In case you are wondering, I'm still blogging from my tab with its medyo slow internet.

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