Sep 12, 2010

College Yearbook Write Up

Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary.

As someone who always had the audacity to defy the norms with his unpopular opinions regarding politics, philosophy and religion, to his unconventional ways of dressing up, Neil remains firm on his beliefs and ideas regardless of what other people may think and say. It’s about making a stand. It’s all about creating a vision for yourself and just letting people accept you for who you are.

(recent painting I've been working on below)

A lover of art, culture and the environment, Neil has painted pieces that exhibit nature’s unwavering power over its creation – us humans, and has joined an international environmental organization where he learned how to appreciate the slow paced life, and his love for beauty through people from different backgrounds was intensified.

After graduation, it won’t be the death of idealism, of creativity, of unceasing passion for learning and life.

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