Apr 15, 2013

Step Out of Border, Vietnam

Several weeks ago, my co-volunteers and I were invited to promote cultural exchanges to college students in Ho Chi Minh City. The name of the event can't be more appropriate - Step Out of Border - of your country and your comfort zone. By joining internships or volunteering in community development programs (like what I do), you can spend at least 6 weeks in a foreign country to learn about their culture and more importantly, learn more about yourself. 

We shared with them interesting things about our countries through performances, mini lectures and through food. Other countries include Holland, Russia, Germany, China. For the first time in my life, I had to sing in front of a major crowd! And I think I broke the stereotype that all Filipinos are good singers. Haha!

So what did I tell them about the Philippines? Following the queue from the Dept.of Tourism's ad campaigns, I told them all things fun about the Philippines - from my point of view - meaning parties, fashion, adventures and (staying true to Manila Kid) the people.

I think everybody had an awesome time. I hope to see one of student from the crowd to visit and volunteer in the Philippines one day! :D

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